
June 23, 2018

How To Celebrate The International Yoga Day

Meditation is a wonderful way to make contact with the soul. It cultivates the mind and refines it gently and with love. Just as our body needs care, so too our soul requires attention, care and mindfulness. Only you decide whether to listen to your soul in order to lovingly and consistently integrate it into your being. For this, constant mental hygiene, which can also be called "soul care", is of great importance. Meditation is an invaluable tool of mental hygiene and prepares the pathway to our soul. Singing also lifts the mind and connects us with soul, especially devotional singing and kirtan.
March 15, 2016

9 Benefits of Meditation Backed by Science

Science is Catching up With Thousands of Years of Meditation Wisdom It’s believed that meditation has been around for 5,000 years, originating in India. According to the latest research and oral history, the yogic tradition of meditation can be traced back to Shiva, a great spiritual master who systematized both yoga and tantra about 7000 years ago. Around 400-100 B.C.E. Patanjali documented some of those teachings in the Yoga Sutras. Millions of people have felt the many benefits of a regular meditation practice in one of its many forms (mindfulness awareness, transcendental, vipassana, yogic, and others). While scholars in the West first learned of ancient meditation teachings in the 18th century, it wasn’t until the 1960s and 70s that the practice of meditation became more popular with westerners. Today, for many people meditation has become decoupled from its roots in the religious traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism, allowing it to […]